Small updates | Final Outcome | Self Reflection


Finally, I worked on the addition of few animations made in After Effects, a soundtrack, and sound effects to get more of a feel being submerged into a real video game character choice menu. It was hard to choose, but I decided to go with simpler but more cartoony effects, instead of realistic-looking ones. Personally, After Effects is not the software I am too confident with, so in a few days’ time, it seemed like a logical and reasonable choice to go with such animations. I used the following tutorials: ( for the smoke bit, and ( for electricity bit.

Final Outcome

Final Project

Shots breakdown

Personal Reel

Self Reflection

In the beginning it was tough to narrow down the options and figuring out what was it exactly that I wanted to do. Yet it was a great starting point, when I knew that I wanted to go down the path to do with effect creation in Houdini and compositing the shot in Nuke. After some research and dropping down a couple of ideas, I settled with the one of creating a sequence of two characters fighting each other. However, after weighing out the work I had to complete for my collaboration project, as well as the Indie Horror film, I changed the concept to be based around choosing a character, where each would demonstrate in some way their power.

One of the great ideas was to shoot my own footage and test out the particle renders to check the tracking, how it would look against backgrounds with various colours, whether the particle simulation would required hand animation inside Houdini or not. Finalizing the look of the first power didn’t take long, surprisingly, although now that I look at it, it feels like it misses more manipulation and integration with the hand. After having the first power done, I moved onto the second, which turned out to be the harder target for me. Having been inspired by footage from Malificent (2014), I wanted the energy to create vortex shapes that would follow the path of the fingers, as the actress would change their position and play around with the power. Yet again, I had to step back and restrict myself to a power that would be more possible to achieve in the constantly reducing amount of time. So instead I focused on combining both the wind render, which gave it a more chaotic look alongside with directed particles swirling in the upward direction.

The next step after research and tests was to note down the shot list, prepare a rough edit for reference to me as a videographer, and for the actresses to take inspiration from and set the filming date. Being pushed back a couple of times, it was a nice coincidence that the shooting days were planned after we had an introduction to the green screen room and taught by Aldo of all the necessary points we have to think of in advance. Those included making sure that the background was well and evenly lit, how to use the lightmeter, adjusting the lights as it was in the background sequence. Since mine was an imaginary place, I had more freedom of how to light my characters, so that took away hard bits. However, with some of the props I didn’t realise that they had green or turquoise undertones to them, so when removing the green screen that affected the colour of the objects and one of the shots was impossible to use.

As soon as I had the shots, I immediately narrowed it down by editing first to see which would suit the best for the final product and to reduce the number of shots that required green screen removal. From 16 original shots, there were now 8 to compose and adjust, for which I tried creating the one-for-all Nuke script in order to remove the green screen. It managed to cut down the amount of time spent on working in Nuke, whilst requiring only small adjustments, like rough roto from which the shot was premultiplied to put against the new background or roto for the hair, to get a more detailed alpha channel. A mistake that I’ve made during filming, was directing not enough light on the characters, meaning that the textures of the dark clothes weren’t captured, and later when I applied the LightWrap effect, it appeared quite flat in the shot. I’ve also experimented with adjusting the power look inside Houdini and how it would affect the hand holding it.

Finally, compiling all the edited shots together it was now easier to see mistakes and get feedback from the tutors. Nick suggested adding reflection to the floor, to base the characters better in the environment as well as implementation of some effects to when the characters have weapons, but no particle simulation. This was very helpful advice, so during the last week and a half I focused on creating the according adjustments and inserting sound effects for the edit.

Overall, I enjoyed this process a lot! It was hard, intense, yet interesting to further learn Houdini and discover new ways of creating magic effects within the software. Some decisions required cutting down original grand ideas and analysing what would be more possible to do in given amount of time, yet would still push me. Had I said no to the Indie Horror project and have been strict when dividing the work more evenly for the collaboration project, I would have had enough time to experiment more and maybe achieve a better looking results from Houdini. This term helped me a lot to learn about my strengths and weaknesses and pushed me to ask for help and feedback more, which is something I am not very used to.

Perfecting bits and pieces – weeks 8/9

Having a good base for my project I then focused on adjusting the details and perfecting the little bits. Asking around for review and suggestions, it was also decided to change the font of the menu and add simple, yet effective animations to the punching actions later in After Effects. I also added a reflection to each green shot and a subtle glow behind each character to bring them forward visually from the background.

Adjustments for the 2nd character: 1) added glow, 2) smaller, 3) reflection on the floor
Change in edit: 1) Font, 2) Glow from behind the character, 3) adjusted the green screen despill, 4) wind power look, 5) removed shadow as the power is the source of light, cannot have shadow of itself so close to the centre

Looking at the power, I didn’t like the original motion at a few couples of seconds, so it took a couple of re-adjustments to get closer to the final look I had originally envisioned. Inside the Nuke script, I’ve also added the glow to bring the character visually forward. The skin closer to the edges had more green colors in it, so it was also color graded to add slightly more purple/pink tones, in order to cancel out the green shades.

BTS: Wind power creation
Power adjustment – comparison of test 1 and test 2

As planned I manually created the new introduction using After Effects having that glitch effect appearance with the use of this tutorial ( The key to it was to animate the glitch appearance via a change in brightness of noise applied as a layer onto the text.
To visually guide which character is chosen, the simulation of pressing the menu choice was added with the use of keying the change in opacity.

New introduction and menu
After Effects Composition for Title appearance.

The final main parts left for the project are to add sound effects and background music as well as some artistic comics-style effects (made in After Effects) onto the punching actions of the characters when they have a weapon.

Filming and editing – weeks 6-8

After my initial tests with close-up shots for hands and powers, I noted down a general plan of what kind of shots I needed. It was decided to have 2 characters (as planned) each to be filmed in casual and Ready To Fight outfits with a choice of weapons from a tote bag, water bottle, or a book. Before filming the actors in the Green Screen room, I filmed myself and made a very simplistic edit.

First edit in Premiere Pro
Standing shot for Character 1 – Green Screen Removal
Standing shot for Character 2 – Green Screen Removal
Nuke script for green screen removal

I then made a rough cut for the edit of how I want to see the final video. Finally settling on the background it was easier to remove the green screen and start creating the clip. For the finalized version, I still want to work more on the text, font, and how it will be stylized. This week the plan is to also work on the title appearance, the end of the clip, as well as power adjustment against the green screen.

Wind power first render test

I have found wind power to be harder to test and adjust as it has its own nuances and problems. For instance, it needs tracking and more trials for the look in Houdini, before I could render out any version.

For the next week, my focus will be around getting the first render for the wind power, implementing it into the edit, animating the title appearance, adjusting the energy power Nuke script for a more realistic result, and researching for a way to make the zoom-in effect more sleek and correct. I also want to start searching for a good background soundtrack and some sound effects to accompany the edit.

Power further tests – weeks 4/5

Continuing on from the previous weeks, I proceed further with testing out the first power, now against a dark background and slower, more controlled movement of the hand. I also added a slight glow on the hand, using roto as a mask for colour correction. Additionally, I played around with the colour of the power, the god rays and the overall grade of the shot.

Nuke node graph

Furthermore, I tested out the first power being placed between two hands, and whilst with one hand a simple 2D tracker was suitable, this time I did have to use a 3D tracker and to try and find the best position for cards in the 3D space. The final result still appears to be attached more to the base of hand situated furthest away, so maybe by manual adjustments of the card it would be possible to make a more realist effect. I am also considering to adjust the camera in Houdini, such that the render of the power will also have the effect of changing perspective.

Two hands – energy ball
Nuke node graph for 2 hands

Then I started working on the wind based power, but I am not happy with the overall shape of how the particles are flowing around. Since it is now more abound wind, I am considering whether to leave the attribute of temperature out and just have it appear as smoke, rather than having a hot emitter in the centre. In that case, the God Rays node isn’t suitable anymore.

Wind power first test
Velocity guide – Houdini node graph

This is the original shape that I wanted to go for, having this sort of vortex/tornado pathway of wind, but it appeared too intense and unnatural. So playing around and creating a different source for the smoke (see below), I decided to use the information for velocity from the vortex and feed it into the source as a force for the smoke to be affected by.

Wind source – Houdini node graph
DOP network for the wind power simulation

This is how the Dynamic Operator network looked with the simple force of the velocity and smoke emitter being merge and solved using a pyrosolver. Having played around with it, I considered creating a second smoke object, where instead of being directed up and by the vertex, it would fall down and wrap around the hand. But that may be way harder to do, as it would required hand modelling and animation inside Houdini. Instead, I will try and achieve a different look, as vortices going up, i.e. just as I wanted originally.

Nuke node graph for compositing
Wind power comp look

More research and first power check – week 3

Following on from the last week, I continued researching how I want the second power and character to look like as well as general idea for the background, which I would either create or use an asset from online resource.

For the second character, I started off with Captain Marvel. However, I really liked the idea of a forest sorceress, having some power based around elements, specifically wind or fire-shaped power.

Windpower character moodboard

For the background at first I went into game concept art for background with fantasy or sci-fi lands, but I also envied the idea of simple black background with some neon lighting.

Choose your character moodboard

I also proceeded working further on the first power, trying to achieve the shape that I would have like the best and I got down to the following:

Aura particles
Aura particles node graph
Main power path
Main power node graph
Main particles
Particles DOP network
Houdini scene
Power tracked to hand – test 2

I am not too happy with the colors just yet and how well it is seen against the skin or lighter colors, so there is still some work that is needed to be done. But overall, I am way happier about the shape and particle formation, and path.

Test with less moving hand.

Rough tests – week 2

After narrowing down the previous ideas for the project, I realised that in order to get a better and more effective result I need to simplify the overall concept for the story. Instead of thinking of various shots for a fighting scene, which may require a lot of footage where hands and their movement will be tracked, rotoed and cleaned-up, I can focus on a less complicated set-up.

Having recently seen the “Choose Your Character” trend, I thought that this would be a great idea to implement. The focus would be on two characters, with a choice of their outfits, equipment and powers.

Choose your character idea

Following on from the last week I started to work on the first power which was inspired by Wanda Maximoff from Marvel universe. I managed to find this tutorial (see below), which I followed and rendered out first 120 frames of the effect. Then I set-up the scene in Nuke and using the camera tracker (3D) I got to place a card nearby the moving hand.

Quick Tips | Houdini + Nuke | Magic FX 01  – Magic effects tutorial

Particle simulation magical effect
Power visual enhancement
Nuke scene set-up

As I was simply following the tutorial, the way that particles are generated and interacting is not suiting my ideas. My next task would be to adjust the path and figure out of how I want them to follow around in the space, maybe of a more sphere shape. It is also quite important to understand how much that hand can move, as there is a problem of perspective and interaction with the hand.

Wanda moodboard

I am still not quite sure of how I want the second character to look and what their power will be, so my next steps will include noting down their power, simulating it in Houdini, creating a moodboard for the second character, figuring out which shots would be needed for the gameplay and what choice of style, weapon and positions the characters would be shot in.

Moodboard – week 1

For my personal project I want to dive into the field of superheroes/people with powers. Having a couple of ideas in my head for what it could be, it is really integral for me to break them all down and see what it more possible and can be realistically achieved in the given amount of time.

Element powers – 1 character

As my first idea it is based around having power over elements and controlling them. Based around the 4 elements: earth, air, fire and water, I was thinking of having a shot of a person manipulating the various elements and playing around with them.

Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender – art by Aaron Rodriguez
Art by C. Michael Lanning
Earth Element power
Air element – Avatar Art
Air element – Avatar
Air tornado
Four elements – Art

Air tornado ideas
Water levitation
Katara – Avatar
Idea of water simulation
Acquaman – Mera
Fire element power
Fire element
Control of fire by hand
All 4 elements in their ‘vessels’

2/3 characters

My second idea was created on a scene of two characters fighting, each having powers inspired by specific characters from action movies produced by Marvel. The first one being Captain Marvel and her power of being able to manipulate cosmic energy which is appearing as a volumetric bundle.

Power absorption – Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel power (1:57-2:14), (2:37-2:50).
Captain Marvel powers (1:05-1:35), (1:45-1:58).
Photon blast
Cosmic energy bundle
Energy bundle

Photon blast
Photon blast power
Captain Marvel – binary appearance
Captain Marvel – Concept Art

The second is more based around Wanda Maximoff power, where she has this red-coloured mist energy emanating from her hands and body and is able to telekinetically move objects.

Avengers: Age of Ultron – psychotic powers.
Concept Art
Avengers: Infinity War – Wanda powers.
Captain America: Civil War
Concept Art
Close up shot of the powers
Malificent – similar powers
Scarlet Witch all scenes with her powers in movies.
Scarlet Witch with all her powers in series.

The storyline would be based around the two characters, having those powers, fighting each other, at some point interrupted by a 3rd person, who plans on destroying everything, so they team up and fight against him.


Storyboard, page 1.

Useful interviews/links: