This week was quite tough but fun, as we were learning how to destroy the wooden cabin, which we had built previously. Before creating the procedure to destroy the building, I went back to the Houdini script and slightly rebuilt the house, creating a much neater network. I also added the glass to the house, which previously wasn’t there.
Practicing on just the cube, it was quite informative learning about the basics behind the original creation of an already destructed object, as it cannot be easily programmed for it to break into various pieces. Those breaks and lines where the material will crack must be created by the user before any force could be applied.
Whilst following the lesson copying the guided procedure, I came across a problem when breaking my pre-built wooden cabin. For the pieces that are supposed to be active, the glue constraint isn’t working and hence the parts start to fall due to gravity before the ball comes in contact with the building. Hence the result. There is still some collision happening towards the end of the shot, as when it comes in contact with further pieces they get moved.
After attending the live Q&A session with Medhi, I managed to solve my problem by checking nodes for Constraints from Rules, ConstraintsProperties and Assemble. The problem was down to ticked boxes in the latter node. With fixing and setting up the correct requirements, the wooden cabin destruction was fixed.