FMP – Week 7 updates

As mentioned in the post before, I had a list of problems and questions that I focused on solving and answering this week. The first one is perfecting the appearance of the hourglass and how the sand was falling alongside the fire case sourcing.

Bounding box for falling sand grains, to remove the build-up
Hourglass POP Wrangle node script, that actually removes the grains.

Then I focused on creating cracks at the top of the case base, from which fire would be simulated and hence look more realistic to be achieved and made in real life. The following was my process behind it.

Point scattering across chosen polygons from the base
The base tube shape is made to be the base of cracks.
Randomizing the tube shape using “remesh” and “mountain” nodes.
Tubes are copied to points from base scattering. Applied noise in N, to change their rotation, and to their scale.
Updated look of the fire case base.
How the points are being now scattered to be later used as voxel for a fire source.
Render test with new fire look.

The swirling particles simulation was re-approached, as I wanted to make a script inside of which I would understand what every single node does and the purpose it brings. After all, my main struggle was creating the trails for particles to follow, such that they would make it visually and aesthetically pleasing. Here is a video of all the trials and attempts I made:

Render test 2, with new particle motion and their size variation.

Finally, I focused on the camera placement and any movement if any that it would make. Keeping in mind that moving cameras may be harder to render, I tried focusing on more static options.

Camera tests of the simulation from the viewport with sound effects.

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