Projections in 3D – week 7


This time we proceeded to learn how to make projection in a 3D space. Given the previous footage, the task was to clean up markers in the crypt, as well as use a shot of our own and remove whichever bits we wanted to.

Node graph

The principle behind creating projects was quite similar of a 2D clean up mixed with use of camera which was created with the use of Camera Tracker node. Calling it a Propjection, the information from the tracked camera would be applied to a clean plate, rotoscoped and painted over at a specific frame, such that this card could be tracked and fixed to correct position in the 3D space.

The node Project3D was fairly simple and straightforward, leaving us to simply constantly recreating the process and the principle structure of the workflow behind the 3D projections.

Specifically for the crypt, as I was creating one card for all the points on floor in the second room, and hence for a few frames I had to roto out the objects that were in foreground of the markers.


For the second shot I chose this clip from the museum, for which I created Camera Tracker and placed cards before. In this scene I decided to remove a switch on the wall, as well as pushing myself and removing the furthest chair in the second hall. In my opinion, the grading could be further improved and adjusted better to the changing exposure.

Plan for removal
Node graph
Patches node graph close up

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