This week we got to learn about creation of smoke, fire and explosion with the use of smoke solver and pyro solver. Breaking down the basics, it appeared that the main principle behind all of these was getting down to use of smoke solver.

To create the smoke and fire we used the DOP network, while the creation of explosion didn’t require us to do so. However, most of the procedures followed the same steps:
- Create a geometrical shape (sphere or circle);
- Scatter points inside that shape;
- Create a new attribute (the one you want the software to be working on, e.g. density);
- Use Attribute Noise to make it more chaotic, rather than follow a pattern;
- Use Color for visualization;
- Apply Volume Rasterize Attribute (to 4), such that you are creating a volumetric representation;
- Finally, use a Null node, to have a clear visual directory when referencing the SOP path later in the DOP nodes.
Obj network Geo network for fire
Then you would create the DOP network, inside which you would set up using smoke object, volume source, smoke solver and some mini solver for gas, like gas turbulence or gas wind (for SMOKE). The set-up is primitively the same for fire, except you would be using a pyro solver instead and have to be aware that you are also using a temperature attribute as well for a better fire simulation.
Fire DOP network Smoke DOP network
However, for the explosion we didn’t use a extra DOP network, it was simply set-up in just the Geo node. One of the most important target fields to add in sourcing inside pyrosolver was the Divergence as it defined of how big in size was the initial explosion.

The second branch for pyrosolver with a sphere object was created to show how the smoke would be interacting with some sort of collision force. However, it appears that the placement of my camera didn’t manage to catch that output.