More research and first power check – week 3

Following on from the last week, I continued researching how I want the second power and character to look like as well as general idea for the background, which I would either create or use an asset from online resource.

For the second character, I started off with Captain Marvel. However, I really liked the idea of a forest sorceress, having some power based around elements, specifically wind or fire-shaped power.

Windpower character moodboard

For the background at first I went into game concept art for background with fantasy or sci-fi lands, but I also envied the idea of simple black background with some neon lighting.

Choose your character moodboard

I also proceeded working further on the first power, trying to achieve the shape that I would have like the best and I got down to the following:

Aura particles
Aura particles node graph
Main power path
Main power node graph
Main particles
Particles DOP network
Houdini scene
Power tracked to hand – test 2

I am not too happy with the colors just yet and how well it is seen against the skin or lighter colors, so there is still some work that is needed to be done. But overall, I am way happier about the shape and particle formation, and path.

Test with less moving hand.

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