Lighting in movies – week 1

Starting off the course in Katana, we were talked through understanding the lighting in general, the physical properties of it and how it appears to our eyes. A difference between key, fill and rim light was explained and main aspects to successful recreation of the scene lighting were pointed out. As an exercise we had to find 3 shots from various movies and try to assess the position, direction, intensity and properties of the light.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Looking at how the face is lit and the way the shadows are falling, there is a light source directly above the character as well as coming from the background of the blue-ish tone of the screen. The blue tones are reflected from the skin of the chair and in the bottom center of the shot (by his left hand, on the surface). Judging by the back of the head and top of the shoulders, there maybe a fill light placed from behind of the character. As the contrast is low between the key and fill light, we may conclude that it is a low key, soft lighting. The shot seams to be having cool tones, roughly in the range of 4000K.

Alice in the Wonderland

Immediately the light seems to be quite soft and low key. There is a source coming from above of the character as we have shadows underneath her eyes, on the neck and her chin. It feels like there is no fill in light, maybe quite a subtle one. Looking as if it is a cloudy daylight, the temperature of the shot seems to be in the range of 6000K.

Tomb Raider

Shot out in sunlight, this shot has warm undertones. The light is harsh, but appears to be high key as there isn’t as sharp contrast between the highlights and fill in light. As the face is seen fairly good, there is definitely a fill light coming from the front of him, adding warmer tones to his skin (that judgement is made by looking at the fill in highlights on his nose, cheeks, neck all with yellow/orange warmth). The sun seems to be almost directly above him, meaning it was shot at maybe earlier or later than midday.

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