This week I was focused on starting my machine model and creating all the necessary parts. I broke the original design down in 3 main parts on which I planned to work solely at different to each other times.

This week I focused on working at the first part, i.e. the wooden base, the metal base, the wheel and rod attached to it, with all the according parts which are positioned on the rod. I managed to finish most of the parts except facing a few challenges and hence not completing the entire plan.

Now, on this side of the wheel, in the metallic base underneath the 2 cogs that will be rotating there is a hole cut out in the specific shape, which I will be focusing on cutting out when I will animate the movement of the cogs, so it will be known how deep they would need to be. I also have bad wireframing on 2 parts of the rotating cog, specifically the elongated beam and the one of rectangular shape. These will be on my list of remaking the parts.

It came to my attention that on the left side of the main rod, the furthest element has a cut out hole into it, such that it looks that the screw is inside of it. I targeted that question to Nick during today’s class and got some ideas of how to solve this problem, without having to remodel the entire part again.
The plan for the following week is to focus on building the most of 2nd area of the machine, especially the mechanisms which have to be animated and finish on few missing parts from the first section. Then rig and animate some of the movement, so that I could place the rough version of the model into the actual scene, just as we practiced today during the Maya lesson.