3D space projection – week 3

Nuke has the ability to operate and compose in 3D space and this week we were learning more about it. We learnt of the importance of the nodes such as Camera, Scene and ScanlineRender and had to complete an exercise in projecting a 2D image onto a 3D space. I chose this image of a abandoned room to project.

Practicing to align the card node with the use of checkerboard, it took me a while to understand how to place it correctly in the scene. Before any placement I had to evaluate the camera lens that was used, and I chose the focal length to be 16mm, as it looks like it was a wide lens with big distortion towards the edges. The walls appear to be have a different incline in vertical directions and not entirely parallel to each other.

As the scene has smaller details, such as sneakers on the floor, a cable hanging from the ceiling or the opened windows – a further work using other cards with a roto of these elements could be done.

Node graph

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