Beauty and markers – week 2

It may be asked by an artist to do some touch-up on the actor’s face, such as removal of blemishes, wrinkles, de-aging, or something else. This week we focused on beauty work as well as some markers removal.


I cleared out some redness from the nose, cheeks and forehead as well as the areas under eyes, to make her appear more rested and youthful. But it feels that due to movement of the face, the area that I cleaned up underneath the right eye appears to have darker tones in the first few seconds. I tried adding keys to the grade node, but it was affecting all the areas that were adjusted using rotopaint.


It is a common practice to remove markers from a face, body, object and this week we’ve been practicing removing the markers from an original shot footage. There were two ways we could go about it: the traditional where we create a rotopaint, roto, track it and merge with the original footage and a faster way where we use the VectorDistort node. The advantage of the latter is that it can be more accurate in storing the tracking information especially for a shot of a face/body.

In this exercise I practiced both ways and it can be seen in the node graph from below. A few challenges that I faced was the change in light and some physical difference in planar information for few dots.

Node graph
Traditional way: close-up
Faster way: close-up

As you can see on the right side, for the 2nd dot, I used a Grade node, settings of which I keyframed and adjusted to suit the changing lighting conditions. A similar problem was found the marker on right side of the mouth, where due to the folded part of the skin half of it had different light. To tackle this problem, I used a second grade node to which I applied a mask of a roto. This way I changed the grading of lighter and darker portions of the skin.

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