In the first week of lectures on Houdini, we were talked through correct way of creating a project, a scene, the types of nodes (e.g. surface, dynamic, compositing, render), how to save a file and how to structure the node graph correctly to store the information successfully. In the end of the lesson we were shown a way to model a wood cabin, reference of which was taken from google search.

I started off by creating a box node, from which I shaped a wooden long plank. Then with the use of the copy node, I easily created 9 other copies, appearing to be stacked on each other. A frame shape of the window was added later, out of which with the use of Boolean I cut out the window. Repeating the same process for other windows and the main door, I realised that a shorter way would have been to apply the nodes for transforming for window made from the same box. Similarly, I could have used the same box and copy nodes for the back wall as for the front. After making the side walls of the cabin, I used a Boolean node to create the cut from the wooden planks to follow the tilted roof from the reference photo. One of nice additions could have been a use of PolyBevel node, to round the edges of the wood.