Colour matching (practice)

Further practice of colour correction on various still plates. This time I chose to use the same rotoscoped picture of a hobbit, Bilbo Baggis, captured in this specifically composed shot with such a camera placement which could have been easily placed in a lot of other shots of a very similar perspective. I practiced with other 3 various plates from different moves and quite different lighting conditions.

Original picture

Merging with this scene from Avatar was tough as the colours are quite blue and cold, feeling quite extreme sometimes. It was challenging to get the correct skin colour tones, with the reference used was the exposed elbow of the person lying in the middle of the street.

Hobbit crossover with Avatar

It was easier to match the colour of this shot from Jurassic Park.

Hobbit crossover with Jurassic Park

When adding the hobbit to this frame, to add more realistic feel I added the shadow as well, but it still feels like it could be stewed more in the X direction. I also had to re-try the colour correction in order to get the skin tone correct.

Hobbit crossover with MIB
Nuke script for Hobbit and Men In Black

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