Question 1:
How does the colour scheme of the TV-show “The Umbrella Academy” develops over the 2 seasons and portrays the developing mood of the show? Developing a colour scheme for each character as well as the house, i.e. when they all come together. Specific colour grading to qualify the happiness of a memory, such as warm and golden tones for halcyon memories and colder, bluer, metallic for unhappy memories.

Question 2:
How does the effective visual and sound editing to the music playlist of the movie “Baby Driver” enhances the audiences’ ability to see the world through the main character’s eyes and perspective? How does it suit the scene and the pace at which it occurs? Choice of songs to be edited to for various heists and how they fit with the inner feel of Baby.
Question 3:
How the use of long shots, prolonging the sequence and low rhythm would be used in Stanley Kubrick’s films in order to build up the suspense? How does it help to transfer the feel of danger, terror with the use of these techniques, thus successfully fulfilling the genre of thriller and horror?
Question 4:
The use of camera movement and visual flow in the movie “La-La-Land” to create the feel of theatrical piece shown on a screen. Various techniques and ways to move the camera around in order to tell the story physically and interactively. How does the magic feel of the movie is shown through the rhythm of camera?
Question 5:
Lighting in the “Dark Knight” movie to highlight and translate drama and mystery onto the scene. Use of low-key lighting to intensify the danger that Batman brings, such as bringing the eye attention to weapons or muscularity of the body, which shows his strength, stealth and ability to be threatening.